I spent an entire month reading her, which felt like being inside her head and it’s not a bad place to be. It was a much more familiar place than I had anticipated.
Tag: reading
While numerous literary examples explore this theme, contemporary literature often portrays themes of displacement, and alienation more tangibly. There are many outstanding works in the literature of exile. These books beautifully weave the theme of exile and migration into their narratives, offering a deeply satisfying reading experience:
Hala Alyan is a Palestinian-American author who has a loud voice in the diaspora. She is an accomplished speaker and advocate. She has given talks and readings, sharing her insights on the craft of writing, the immigrant experience, and the power of storytelling as a means of fostering empathy.
Amin Maalouf in “Adrift” is looking back at history to find out what had led us into the world we live today. A world without tolerance. He is curious to find a solution and shares his observation in his book.