While numerous literary examples explore this theme, contemporary literature often portrays themes of displacement, and alienation more tangibly. There are many outstanding works in the literature of exile. These books beautifully weave the theme of exile and migration into their narratives, offering a deeply satisfying reading experience:
Tag: exile
Her writing is plain but in the best way. The words are sterile and without any emotions, but when put together, they reach places in your heart, you didn’t know they existed.
Jabès believed that language is a site of both longing and loss, a place where we try to make sense of the world around us but are constantly confronted with the limitations and ambiguities of words.
Amin Maalouf in “Adrift” is looking back at history to find out what had led us into the world we live today. A world without tolerance. He is curious to find a solution and shares his observation in his book.
Living under the dictatorship regime and how it infiltrates intimacies
in our life is the subject he is very curious and often writes about